Nucleus is a team of
conscious collaborators

Reach out to any of our team members -
we’d love to partner with you

The founding team

Dustin Robinson
Co-Founder, Nucleus
Co-Founder, Iter Investments
Logan Lenz
Co-Founder & CEO
Robert Velarde
Co-Founder, Nucleus
Co-Founder, Iter Investments

The operations team

Sydney Alcala
Platform Engineer
Bruce Eckfedlt
Content Producer
Sam Baum
Marketing and Events
Mabel Nash Greenberg
Content Producer
Vsevolod Doroshenko
Systems Engineer
Adam Tubero
Content Producer
Dillon Newman
Content Editor

The advisory team

Michelle Weiner, DO MPH
Clinical Lead
Dr. Scott Fisher, MD
Psychiatric Lead
Edgar Asebey, ESQ
FDA Lead
John Gregg, MBA, CLP
FDA Lead
David Wood, ESQ, PHD
Intellectual Property Lead
Rayyan Zafar
Research Lead
Andrew Hall, PHD
Scientific Lead
Matt Savarick
Tech Lead

We just raised on Wefunder

Thank you to all of our investors!